Re-opening of Special Collections from 27th June 2011
**re-posted from the Special Collections Department home page**
Special Collections is pleased to announce the resumption of services from 27th June, after our move to temporary accommodation on the North Haugh. We are no. 33a on the University Map, grid reference E3 (see photo below of building).
Our new Reading Room is much smaller than before and so visits will have to be by appointment only. To make an appointment please email us on [email protected] with an indication of when you would like to come and what you would like to see. Other services may also be reduced or restricted at times due to the limitations of our new situation, but as always we will do our best to facilitate requests and enquiries. We would like to thank our readers for their patience during our period of closure, which allowed us to meet our relocation deadline, and we look forward to seeing you in the near future.