University of St Andrews Library Special Collections Visiting Scholarship Scheme 2019

Monday 3 December 2018

We are pleased to announce that the University of St Andrews Library is now accepting applications for the Special Collections Visiting Scholarship Scheme 2019.

Visiting Scholarships are an opportunity for applicants external to the University of St Andrews to research a topic in the Library’s Special Collections. The scholarships are open to all interested researchers, whether or not affiliated to a university, and at whatever level.

Scholars will receive
• Financial support up to a maximum of £1,500 to cover travel and accommodation in hall of residence, but not subsistence.
• A warm welcome to Special Collections and invitations to take part in its activities, e.g. seminars and workshops
• Scholarships can be taken at a mutually agreed time between 1 July and 31 August 2019.

All applications must be based strongly on the Special Collections of the University of St Andrews Library. The Scholarship scheme gives the applicants the opportunity to visit the University of St Andrews and experience first-hand the Library’s unique collections, which offer research potential across an exceptionally broad array of disciplines. The University has an outstanding collection of books, archives and photography, accumulated throughout the six hundred years since the University’s foundation. The collection is especially rich in the History of Science, Theology and Church History, Literary Studies and Photography. In addition to a substantial collection of incunabula and early printed books, the library has a significant eighteenth-century collection dating from its period as a Copyright Library (1710-1836). The archives also include an exceptional collection of 15th – 16th century materials relating to Fife and to the University and city of St Andrews.

Applicants are required to complete and submit the application form: Visiting Scholars 2019 Application Form (Word, 526 KB). Applications for 2019 should be submitted electronically by Friday 18th January 2019. Further information about the application process is available here:

Take a look at the reports from some of our previous visiting scholars:

2016 – From an enigmatic binding stamp to a holistic reassessment: the St Andrews Qur’an by Dr Keelan Overton

Image from the St Andrews Qur’an, ms19(o)

2017 – Medieval Scottish Law by Dr Alice Taylor

Laws of King William, Regiam Maiestatem, c.1500 (msKF51.R4)

2018 – In the beginning was the chase by Dr José Luís Neves

‘Tidings of her lover’s return.’, ALB-37-5

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