December 8 – Sea-centaurs

Sunday 8 December 2019
Ichthyocentaur from Theatrum orbis terrarum, 1575 (TypNAn.B75RO).

Ichthyocentaurs are winged creatures, half-fish and half-horse. Depicted in classical Greek art, they are also referred to as sea-centaurs.

This illustration of an ichthyocentaur, playing a lute, is featured on a map of Scandinavia by cartographer Abraham Ortelius in our 1575 edition of Theatrum orbis terrarium (TypNAn.B75RO).

1 thoughts on "December 8 – Sea-centaurs"

  • clcouch123
    Sunday 8 December 2019, 7.10pm

    What a delightful creature to learn about and its name (ichthyocentaur). And evidently it's musical!


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